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- Ιστορία της Γκαλερί
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- Column 2
- ΔιεύθυνσηΣκουφά 4,
Κολωνάκι 106 73
Μητροπόλεως 15,
Σύνταγμα, 105 57
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Apostolos Chantzaras is an artist known for developing his own visual world of bold lines, forms and saturated colours, drawing influences from Greek folk shadow theater, ancient Greek sculptures and Byzantine iconography. A rich legacy of symbols related to Greece, the sun, the islands, the sea and its fish, the cross, the bathers, all come together in a unique, perceptible artistic amalgam empowered by strong colours and intense movement. Yet the outcome is not verbose. Chantzaras succeeds in transforming it and making it something of his own.
In this exhibition Chantzaras focuses on the life and rhythm of the ever dynamic sea. The well-known writer Nikos Mastropavlos comments on this group of Hantzaras’ works: ‘When one finds himself within the abundancy of shapes, colours and fragrances of his paintings, you feel the rhythm of the sea vibrating within you. It is the distinct moment when your heart beats tune in with the sea rustle, while sitting on peddles, just before the etesian winds die down’.
Brief CV – Selected Exhibitions
He was born in Agrinio-Greece in 1977. From early childhood, he studied and worked in the atelier of Byzantine Painting beside his father, Eleftherios Chantzaras. He studied painting in the Athens School of Fine Arts under Professor Chronis Botsoglou. He also studied fresco and photography in the Athens School of Fine Arts. In 2004-2005 he studied painting in Université Paris 8 inParis. In 2008 he painted for the Greek Post (ELTA) the special stamp series “Greek Traditional Products”. He has participated in several personal and group exhibitions in Greece and abroad. He lives and works in Athens. His paintings are part of private collections.