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- Ιστορία της Γκαλερί
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- ΔιεύθυνσηΣκουφά 4,
Κολωνάκι 106 73
Μητροπόλεως 15,
Σύνταγμα, 105 57
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The show features six Greek artists who exhibit powerful artworks of human representation with their own take on portraiture art.
Being the most intertemporal subject matter in the history of art, the exhibition aims to celebrate the timeless practice of portraiture and figure art and through painting, mixed media and collage artworks to exemplify its contemporary versions.
Faces realistically attributed emerge through degraded environments or move to a neutral space-time which intensifies their dynamic presence, Looks that loudly invite the viewer into a direct imaginary conversation, while others introvert, distancing in a private monologue, bodies that betray their sensuality and others that piece by piece reveal their nakedness under the gaze of the viewer, are some of the images that compose the exhibition.
Narratives and confessions made, as long as the viewer seeks for the revelation of the second glance, what is hidden behind the canvas and beyond the obvious.
Participating Artists:
Kalliopi Asargiotaki, Yannis Bekiaris, Panayiotis Beldekos, Savvas Georgiadis, Elena Papadimitriou, Demos Tsormpatzoglou.