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- ΔιεύθυνσηΣκουφά 4,
Κολωνάκι 106 73
Μητροπόλεως 15,
Σύνταγμα, 105 57
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Andy Warhol and Marilyn Monroe meet Pablo Picasso, Mona Lisa and Superman under the blue Mykonian sky, in the most spectacular and surreal setting.
Skoufa Gallery will be hosting some of the most iconic figures of all times, in an improbable visual narration through the works of 13 contemporary artists.
With references to the achievements of Pop Art and its Masters, and through various disciplines the exhibition presents visual stories starring popular idols and other mass culture elements; a glimpse to the contemporary approaches of the international post war phenomenon of Pop Art.
Joyfulness and glamour are combined with great sense of humor, and a prolific imagination in an eccentric mix. Social and political overtones, criticism and irony are often hiding under the colorful scenery, as secret weapons, nevertheless the target still remains the same: to celebrate everyday life against all odds!
Participating Artists: Stathis Alexopoulos, Manolis Bitsakis, Dimi Bitsakou, Feny Bouza, Adam Karamanlis, Alexandros Maganiotis, Fotis Pehlivanidis, Brigitte Polemis, Patrick Rubinstein, Amalia Sotiropoulou, Chronis Tsakirakakis, Georgios Tzinoudis, Giorgos Vorres